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I'm from a family of coffee addicts. This is no longer love, just like usually one does not love air to breathe.

Actually I'm a bit weird since I can't sleep when I had a coffee after six in the afternoon - others manage to virtually drink one after the other around the clock. Call my brother anytime (don't you dare :P ) and you will hear the Sound of Civilization in the background - that is a coffee mill going off or a high pressure pump doing its job.

As mentioned before, my favourite coffee involves coffee *rolleyes*, frothed milk, and maybe a cube of sugar or two. A latte macchiato will do the job. As vezes I also have a café (as in café expresso), then without milk but definitely with some sugar. If left to my own devices, that means a massive artillery barrage is between me and a normal coffee maker, I fall back to the basics.

Long story short, here's my recipe for Coffee Jungle Style:

things needed

time needed


  1. grind the coffee beans by putting them between the rock and the hard place and applying the proper amount of force.
  2. put the coffee powder into the sock.
  3. stack the wood to create a fireplace. Twigs to the bottom, thicker pieces to the top. Keep some of the thicker pieces to feed the fire later on.
  4. light the fire.
  5. put the container with the water on top of the fireplace. You may want to make sure it does not fall over when the wood is burning down.
  6. carefully ventilate the fire to keep it going, eventually refuel it .
  7. once the water is simmering (should take around 10 minutes), hang the sock with coffee into the water, and put the lid back on. If you don't have a sock but just something to stir, pour the coffee into the water and stir once.
  8. let the coffee boil for some one or two more minutes.
  9. remove the sock, or stir once more.
  10. put out the fire if it's still on.
  11. enjoy your coffee.


General Caution is advised!