Table of Contents

Did you ever sit at home, bored, not really knowing what to do for hours at a time? No? Me neither.

Well, ok you got me. I'm a prime example of a procrastinator. But wait, I have very good reasons not to do the important stuff like taxes, the laundry, rearranging the living room, putting new wallpaper or clean up and properly tag my MP3s.

First of all, I got a job. That's already something these days. So bottom line I have like four to five hours left awake each weekday, plus the weekends. That sounds a lot, but after doing the ultimately necessary things there's not so much left. Ultimately necessary of course is a quite flexible term. I mean really grocery shopping, laundry (again, see above), body care, preparing and eating meals, doing the cat litter and relaxing.

So let's see how I fill my “free” time then…


There's my PC. I'm into fiddling with, rearranging the interiors, some programming and webdesign. Plus I'm spending a significant amount of time in the German and the English WikipediA, on Facebook and reading various Web Comics.


After sitting behind a computer screen at work and home for such a long time, there definitely needs to be some sort of balance. I found this in 2010 in the most marvelous and holistic martial art one could come up with. Since then I spend some of my evenings training Capoeira, do a Capoeira vacation and go to Workshops on some weekends. This BTW also eats up my Tuesdays since I have to want to learn Portugese to enjoy even more of it.


I do own a motorbike. Since it's broken most of the time and requires an aweful lot of maintenance I hardly ride it. It's a shame, really because I do love it to the very bottom of my heart. Plus it's a family thing, genetics or so, even though I don't like the greasy part…


…and then there's friends, I enjoy so much just going out with them for a Coffee or an ice cream, eventually some beach volleyball if the weather is right, braai fine too. You see I didn't link “volleyball” or so because I really am not good at it, it's more like playing ball in the famous park. (I hope I made some English natives wince)


BROTHER! We're on the phone for like 3-4 hours every weekend, during the week I don't really know. It's not always quality time yet since he lives soooooo far a way it's kind of necessary because we see each other 3 max four times a year. I'm actually wondering when the rest of the family goes mental on me for not calling them. Brother.