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  • What does WTF? mean?
    • It's an acronym for “What the faq”.
  • So tell me, what is a faq?
    • If you don't know this, you are most likely too young to safely surf the internetz. Ask your parents.
  • Why is there a penguin at the bottom of this page? And what does she hold in her wings?
    • I enjoy using Linux; a penguin called Tux is Linux' mascot.
    • She's holding a Berimbau, and since I do Capoeira I thought it'd be cute to have one.
  • Why do you have a page about fire?
    • Fire is awesome for many things. And I like to have it warm.
  • Why is my house on fire?
    • in case you were trying my Recipes you certainly didn't read the Caution section there. Get off the internetz! Get RL help!
  • What does RL mean?
    • Real Life is where the delivery boy is coming from.
wtf.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/15 14:36 (external edit)